mahi / jobs
Service Manager - Christchurch
Te Kahu Tōī is for a small number of children and young people in Years 0 to 10 who have highly complex behaviour, emotional, social and/or learning needs. These students need support not just at school but also at home and in their community.
Practice Lead – Data Management | Kaiarataki Mahi – Whakahaere Raraunga Me Ngā Mōhiohio (Christchurch or Wellington)
Calling all metadata specialists, data librarians and data management experts! We're looking for a highly skilled professional who is passionate about metadata, data governance and the practice of data lifecycle management for the permanent position of Practice Lead - Data Management, based in Christchurch or Wellington.
Principal Analyst - Products & Service Design | Kaitātari Mātāmua - Hoahoa Hua, Ratonga hoki (Christchurch or Wellington)
The Principal Analyst role will bring expertise in customer centric design to lead the improvements to the design of our statistical and data products and services to deliver greater customer value.
Principal Analyst - Social and Environment | Kaitātari Matua - Pāpori & Taiao (Wellington)
This role will report to the General Manager - Statistical Delivery, Social & Environmental Statistics. We are looking for an experienced Principal Analyst to join our team who is as passionate about social and environmental data as we are.
Principal Advisor | Kaitohutohu Mātāmua - Wellington
This role will report to the General Manager - Statistical Delivery, Population and Housing. This branch is home to our data experts for demography and (inter-related aspects of) housing quality. It produces timely, relevant, and high-quality population and housing data and statistics and is the lead for the future of census.