International Opportunity Seeks Indigenous Change-makers

2023 Cohort of Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity

The Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity (AFSE) program announces that applications are now open for its 2025 cohort. Each year, around 20 Fellows are selected from Australia, Aotearoa, and Pacific Island Nations to join this prestigious program.
We encourage passionate Indigenous leaders who are dedicated to making a positive social impact to apply. This fellowship offers an invaluable platform for personal and professional growth, providing access to world-class resources, mentorship, and a global network of leaders committed to social equity. 

The AFSE program exemplifies the high regard in which Māori and Indigenous leadership is held by the international community, contrasting sharply with the recent actions by the New Zealand Government to dismantle Māori rights.
AFSE welcomes applications from individuals striving for Indigenous-led social change in any field, sector or community. For 2025, the program is particularly interested in applications focusing on Indigenous language and education, as well as land, water, environment, or climate-related issues.

“At a time of increasing global challenges and a perceived ineffectiveness of Western approaches to addressing them, it is critical that Indigenous peoples across the Pacific are enabled to take the lead because it is our unbreakable connection to and knowledge of lands, waters, seas, and skies that offer fresh insights for solving many of these pressing issues.” 
Professor Barry Judd, University of Melbourne Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous)

AFSE is established at the University of Melbourne and partnered with University of Auckland. Study is fee free and there is a study stipend available for successful applicants.

During the foundation year, Fellows develop a social change project and complete a Masters qualification in Social Change Leadership through the University of Melbourne.

“This isn’t just another university degree level programme, in fact you don’t need to have a degree to do this programme. You need to have a history of working in communities on a particular kaupapa or project, and you have reached a point in your career where you know you need to work with others to advance and amplify the work that you are doing.”
Melinda Webber | Te Tumu, Deputy Dean and Professor at The University of Auckland

After graduation, Fellows join a lifelong, global network of Atlantic Fellows that share a common purpose: to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. AFSE is one of seven Atlantic Fellows programs internationally. Currently, there are 105 AFSE Fellows, contributing to a global Atlantic Fellows community that includes 902 Fellows from over 80 countries.

“Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti ai te mahi.
The whanaungatanga and lifelong connections to national and international excellence will foster your growth and mahi among whānau, hapū, and communities. Additional domestic and international fellowship experiences into the lifelong fellowship program are a fortunate long-lasting outcome.”

Boyd Broughton | Aotearoa based Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity
“You will have the opportunity to spend a year deconstructing, creating, reconstructing, and testing your theories, ideas, and biases. This experience will help shape a more impactful project, contributing to the eradication of inequities. Additionally, you will participate in an amazing opportunity with incredible people, extending your thinking beyond imagination.”

Te Awe Puketapu | 2022 Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity

Applications are open until Monday 5 August
To apply visit the
Apply page

Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.

Lisa Reihana’s stunning digital artwork unveiled at University of Auckland
