kawepūrongo / news

Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Iwi of Origin 2023 to Unite Urban Māori Communities through Sport, Activities and kaupapa Māori 

The annual Tāmaki Makaurau inter iwi waiora festival, Iwi of Origin, is back and stronger than ever. Taking place on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October at Bruce Pulman Park, Takanini, organisers of the two day festival of sports, reo, culture and more are encouraging te iwi Māori living in the Tāmaki area to get active as a whānau and join in the festivities of this year's event.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Thousands Expected At 17th Annual Koroneihana Celebrations

Thousands of guests are expected to attend the 17th annual koroneihana celebrations at Tūrangawaewae Marae this weekend, in honour of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII.

Kiingitanga Chief of Staff Ngira Simmonds says this year’s koroneihana will be free from the covid restrictions that impacted recent events.

“We are expecting thousands of attendees from across the motu who are excited to reconnect kanohi ki te kanohi and reflect on the year that’s been.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Te Whakatōhea Historic Moment: First Reading at Parliament for Treaty Settlement

Wellington 17th August 2023:  Today marked a significant milestone towards reconciliation and justice of what the Waitangi Tribunal has found to be “among the worst Treaty breaches in this country’s history”. The Treaty Settlement Bill for Te Whakatōhea received its inaugural reading in the halls of Parliament today.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Te Āti Awa partners with Whitireia and WelTec to qualify more Māori nurses

Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa in partnership with Whitireia and WelTec | Te Pūkenga is helping more Māori students qualify as nurses and enter the healthcare workforce. Whitireia and WelTec | Te Pūkenga offer the Whitireia Bachelor of Nursing Māori programme which will continue to run from January to December. The additional delivery described above is offered in partnership with Te Āti Awa and will run from July to June. 

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Jackson Owens Drops Captivating New Track, 'Now Forever,'

Māori Soul and R&B artist, Jackson Owens, is once again making waves in the Aotearoa music industry with the release of his latest single, 'Now Forever’.

Fresh off the heels of his AMA nomination and highly successful debut EP, 'For The Better,' Jackson (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Awa, Te Arawa, Ngāi Tahu) is excited to introduce this soulful, heartfelt anthem – the first track from a new upcoming EP.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Discover Pūkenga Psychology: Enhance Your Wellbeing with Karakia

Welcome to the world of Pūkenga Psychology, where the focus is on nurturing and revitalizing hauora (health) based practices through the comprehension of karakia (prayer), Te Reo Māori (the Māori language), and tikanga (culture). In today's fast-paced world, it's crucial to prioritize our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. That's where Pūkenga Psychology comes in, offering an array of products designed to enrich your life and improve your overall well-being.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

The Story of Rangi’s Reo

Rangi’s Reo started in a very organic way, it started to take shape October 2020, when my good friend Bridgette Tapsell approached me with the idea of teaching her Te Reo Māori, although she had a fair understanding of the Māori language, but she just needed help to become conversational.

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Te Toki Voyaging Trust to host Māori taiao panel this Matariki

In celebration of Matariki, traditional voyaging trust Te Toki is set to host a panel on environmental change, collectivising whakaaro from revered taiao practitioners of te iwi Māori.

At the free public event on July 19th in Tāmaki Makaurau, the panel will host mātanga taiao Rereata Makiha (Hokianga), Waimirirangi Ormsby (Waikato, Ngātiwai), Dallas King (Hokianga), Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr (Waikato), and host Julian Wilcox (Ngāpuhi, Te Arawa).

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Tony Cutting Tony Cutting

Indigenous leadership is key to social change

The Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity (AFSE) supports the next generation of Indigenous leaders to inspire, collaborate and facilitate change in communities across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific.

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