Social Investment Board - Chair (Wellington)

About the Social Investment Board

The Social Investment Board is a ministerial advisory committee established to provide independent advice and assurance to the Minister for Social Investment. The Board is expected to challenge and provide oversight of the Government’s social investment work programme. Social investment involves:

  • Addressing the drivers of the pervading social issues New Zealanders face through a focus on outcomes

  • Understanding the unique needs of the persons and/or families and whānau affected by these issues

  • Using data and evidence to support decision-making across the social system

  • Encouraging new thinking and approaches, innovation, co-investment and shared responsibility to address New Zealanders’ hardest issues

  • Driving consistency of data and evidence standards

  • Empowering communities to deliver for their people

What the Board will do

The Social Investment Board will provide advice and assurance to the Minister for Social Investment, and guidance to the Social Investment Agency on the development and implementation of social investment.

This includes working closely with the Social Investment Agency to support the Minister for Social Investment to implement the Social Investment Work Programme. The Board may meet with Social Investment Ministers Group and engage with other agencies who are responsible for delivering social investment initiatives.

Board members are expected to act with a high degree of professionalism, including working in an inclusive manner where diverse voices are listened to in an environment of trust and respect. They are expected to attend scheduled meetings and undertaking any required pre-meeting reading to ensure they can engage fully at each meeting.

The Chair's role

The Chair will run meetings and be responsible for representing the Board to the Minister for Social Investment and other Ministers, as required. They are expected to set a culture of open engagement and respect on the Board. The Chair, with the Social Investment Agency, will also be responsible for leading and ensuring an open, transparent and constructive environment and working relationship between the Board, the Minister for Social Investment and the Social Investment Agency. The Chair will be responsible for keeping Board members informed of relevant discussions with the Minister for Social Investment and the Social Investment Agency.

Person specification

The Minister is seeking a Chair to ensure the Board’s functions are performed efficiently, effectively and consistently in the spirit of the public service and in a financially responsible manner. Candidates are expected to possess some, or all, of the following skills, attributes and experience:

  • A genuine interest in social investment and the ability to understand the Board’s role in providing advice to Ministers on this subject

  • Extensive leadership experience, particularly experience convening review groups, advisory bodies or governance boards

  • Strong relationship management skills, including working effectively with peers and developing strategic connections with stakeholders

  • Well-developed communication skills, including the ability to reason objectively and convey ideas clearly and accurately

Additional skills and experience

In order to provide for a well-balanced board with a wide variety of diversity of thought and experience, members of the Board are expected to possess, collectively, knowledge and experience of, and capability in, the following:

  • Strong financial acumen, public finance knowledge and an understanding of social investment and contracting to achieve social outcomes.

  • Connection to, and experience working with, vulnerable communities and community organisations delivering social services.

  • Understanding of social sciences, especially economics, sociology, psychology and behavioural science.

  • Knowledge of, and experience in, data insight and utilising data and trends to inform service design, delivery and evaluation in the social sector, including government administrative data

  • Understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and knowledge of mātauranga Māori and how this contributes to understanding social outcomes

  • A strong understanding of how to contract for social outcomes, including providing returns for private sector investment

  • Knowledge of machinery of government and understanding of public sector accountability

Applicants must have the legal right to work in New Zealand.

Remuneration and time commitment

Members are appointed for terms of up to two years and may be reappointed. Remuneration for members of the Social Investment Board is set in accordance with the Cabinet Fees Framework. The daily fee for the Chair will be $800. In addition to fees, members are entitled to be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses incurred while carrying out the duties of the Board. 

The Chair can expect to spend up to approximately eight days (64 hours) per month on Board activities. However, this may vary month to month as, for example, more time may be expected during the establishment of the Board. Board members are expected to attend and participate regularly in meetings. Meetings are likely to be held in Wellington and online. Board materials will be distributed to members in sufficient advance of meetings to allow members to be thoroughly prepared. 

Further information

Please note that whilst this board is administered by the Social Investment Agency, MBIE is supporting the application process.

A copy of the Board's Terms of Reference can be found here:

Applications close 11 August 2024 at midnight. In order to be considered for this role, you are required to submit an application through the online portal. Applications by email will not be considered.

For more information, please contact

The Minister is committed to considering candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, including age, gender, ethnicity and geographic locations, to enable the Board to be high performing in its functions.

Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.

Social Investment Board - member (Wellington)


Vessel Adequacy Assessor - Casual Contract (Nelson or Whangarei)