Tumu Whakarae - Chief Executive Officer | Whanganui

About the Organisation:

Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation is a significant agricultural enterprise that manages 101,000 acres of land, with 83% actively farmed for livestock production, complemented by dairy, apiary, and forestry operations. Their guiding principle is "Toitū te Whenua, Toitū te Tangata, Toitū te Mana" - To look after the whenua, so the whenua can look after them.

About the Role:

You’ll provide leadership and strategic direction to the Āti Hau Group by translating the organisations vision into actionable strategies which ensure the achievement of sustainable growth and cultural alignment, while balancing commercial excellence with cultural stewardship. Your responsibilities also include strategic leadership, oversight of operations, stakeholder management, health and safety, compliance, change management, and   leading innovation and continuous improvement. 

About You:

In addition to 10+ years of progressive, successful leadership in the primary sector, you’ll likely have a track record of leading large-scale farming operations. You’ll have a reputation for developing and delivering strategic initiatives, being financially astute, and being a remarkably effective communicator. You’ll also be known for your down to earth stakeholder management and influencing skills and ability to gain the trust and confidence of others.  You’ll likely have a Master's degree in Agricultural Science, Business Administration, or a related field and be a member of relevant industry bodies. Your high levels of cultural intelligence will underpin your ability to navigate te ao Māori and balance sustainable growth with environmental stewardship.

Applications close Sunday, 15 December 2024.

Apply now!

To find out more, please get in touch with Russell Spratt on 029 446 3770 or Orissa Plimmer on 027 935 9290  for a confidential kōrero.

To apply for this vacancy you MUST be a New Zealand citizen, resident, or have already secured the right to work in New Zealand and therefore hold a valid visa.

At the appropriate stage we will request your references, we ask that you do not include them on your CV when applying.

We are the landing place where our people can come to rest upon, a safe space.

A place where excellence and culture are encouraged and ultimately, recognised.

Kia tau ai te mauri tū, te mauri ora ki te katoa. Nau mai, tau mai!  Vitality and well-being for all.  Welcome, settle here!

Mō te Pakihi

He pakihi ahuwhenua nui a Ātihau-Whanganui Manatōpū e whakahaere nei i te 101,000 eka whenua, e 83% e whakamahia ana ki te whakatipu kararehe, me ētahi atu whenua ka whakamahia ki ngā mahi miraka, miere, ngahere hoki. Ko te tino mātāpono, ko "Toitū te Whenua, Toitū te Tangata, Toitū te Mana".

Mō te Tūranga

Ka ārahi koe i ngā mahi a te Āti Hau Rōpū, ka whakatakoto i te aronga rautaki, ka whakatinana haere i te tino mātāpono hei rautaki mahi e taea ai te tipu toitū me te hāngai ki ngā tikanga ahurea, me te whakatairite i te kounga o ngā mahi arumoni me te kaitiakitanga. Ka whai kawenga koe ki te hautū i ngā mahi rautaki, ki te ārahi i ngā mahi whakahaere, ki te poipoi i te hunga whai wāhi mai, ki te whakahaere i ngā tikanga hauora me te haumaru, ki te whakatutuki i ngā haepapa, ki te whakahaere panonitanga, ki te ārahi i te auahatanga me ngā mahi whakapaipai hoki. 


Hei kō atu i te 10+ tau e ārahi ana i ngā mahi auaha, angitu hoki i te rāngai ahuwhenua, ka whai wheako koe mō te ārahi i te pāmu nui. Ka mōhiotia koe mō te waihanga me te whakatutuki kaupapa rautaki, mō te koi ki ngā mahi pūtea, mō te tau hoki ki te whakawhiti kōrero. Ka mōhiotia hoki koe mō te poipoi hūmārie i te hunga whai wāhi mai, ngā pūkenga whakaaweawe me te kaha hoki kia whai māia hoki te tangata ki a koe.  Ka whai koe i tētahi Tohu Paerua mō te Pūtaiao Ahuwhenua, mō te Whakahaere Pakihi, mō tētahi kaupapa rānei e hāngai ana, ka noho hoki koe ki ngā whakahaere ahumahi e rite ana. Ka riro mā ō pūkenga ahurea e whakakaupapa i ō pūkenga mō te urungi ki roto i te ao Māori, mō te whakatairite hoki i te tipu toitū me te kaitiakitanga.

Ka kati ngā tono ā te Rātapu 15 o Tīhema 2024.

Me tono mai ināianei!

Ki te rapu kōrero mō tēnei tūranga, me whakapā atu ki a Russell Spratt i 029 446 3770, ki a Orissa Plimmer i 027 935 9290 mō te kōrero, me te tono i te tātai tūranga.

Ki te tono mai ki tēnei rtūranga ME noho koe he kirirarau nō Aotearoa, he kainoho rānei, kua whai rānei i te tika mahi ki Aotearoa me te pupuri i te pane uruwhenua e mana ana.

Hei tōna wā e rite ana, ka tono mātau i ngā kōrero mō ō kaiwawao, nō reira ka inoi atu kia kaua e raua mai ina ka tuku mai i tō Tātai Tangata.

We are the landing place where our people can come to rest upon, a safe space.

A place where excellence and culture are encouraged and ultimately, recognised.

Kia tau ai te mauri tū, te mauri ora ki te katoa. Nau mai, tau mai!  Vitality and well-being for all.  Welcome, settle here!

Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.


Special Education Advisor | Whangārei


Tenancy Advisor - Wellington