Tumuaki Māori & Head of Equity - Wellington

Mō Mātau:

Ko Te Whare Tohu Rata o Aotearoa (te Whare) te tira ngaio me te kaiwhakawhiwhi whakaakoranga mō ngā Rata ako mātanga whāiti me ngā Kaimahi Rongoā Hohipera Tuawhenua. Ko tōna whāinga matua ko te whakapiki huanga hauora me te whakaiti huanga hauora e ōritekore ana mō ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa. Ko ngā mātāpono o ā rātau mahi, ko te kaitiakitanga, te whanaungatanga, te mana tangata, me te auaha.

Mō te Tūranga:

Ka whakawhiwhi mai koe i te ārahitanga mō te hauora Māori me te ōritetanga hauora hoki ki roto i te Whare, ka whai kawenga hoki ki te ārahi i tētahi kapa kaitohutohu e tuku nei i te tohutohu mātanga, te arotahi me te ārahitanga mō ngā take hauora Māori me te ōritetanga hauora ki roto i te Whare. He kawenga whānui hoki ō tēnei tūranga mō te aro ki ngā ōritekore hauora, tae atu ki ngā hapori Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, Tuawhenua hoki mā te whakawhiwhi ārahitanga puta noa i te Whare ki te whakaaweawe i ngā huanga hauora kia pai ake ai.


Kei te kimi mātau i tētahi kaiārahi matua e whai wheako ana, e whai ana hoki i ngā pūmanawa me ngā pūkenga e rārangi iho nei -

  • He tino mōhio ki ngā take ka rangona e ngā rata Māori, Moana-nui-a-Kiwa me ngā ratonga whakawhiwhi hauora

  • He matatau ki te kōrero me te tuhinga Māori

  • Ko te painga tērā mehemea e matatau ana, e mārama ana ki ngā reo nō te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa

  • He matatau ki ngā tikanga Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, ka taea hoki te whakaatu mai he mahi haumaru, tika hoki mō te taha ahurea.

  • He wheako ā-ora nei mō ngā tikanga me te āo Māori, me te hāngaitanga mai ki te hauora Māori

  • He mōhio ki ngā kawenga a te Whare, me ngā kaupapahere kāwanatanga hoki e pā ana ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • He mōhio ki ngā take ka rangona e ngā rata me ngā ratonga whakawhiwhi hauora e mahi ana ki ngā hapori Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, Tuawhenua hoki

  • He tino mārama ki te horopaki ōhanga, tōrangapū, taupori, ahurea hoki o te Whare me te rāngai Hauora whānui

  • He mātanga ki te waihanga me te whakatinana rautaki

  • He wheako, he tau hoki ki te mahi tahi ki te Poari, ki te hunga whai pānga me ngā āpiha kāwanatanga matua

  • He koi te hinengaro, ka taea te whakarite pānui, tapaetanga hoki ā-waha, ā-tuhituhi hoki kia tino whai kounga

  • He pūmanawa mō te ārahi tōrunga me te whakahaere i tētahi kapa iti

He tūranga whakahirahira, whakaaweawe hoki tēnei.

Ka kati ngā tono ā te Rātapu 1 o Hepetema 2024.

Me tono mai ināianei!

Ki te rapu kōrero, me whakapā atu  ki a Russell Spratt rānei i 029 446 3770, ki a Orissa Plimmer rānei i 027 935 9290 mō te kōrero muna.

Ki te tono mai ki tēnei rtūranga ME noho koe he kirirarau nō Aotearoa, he kainoho rānei, kua whai rānei i te tika mahi ki Aotearoa me te pupuri i te pane uruwhenua e mana ana.

Hei tōna wā e rite ana, ka tono mātau i ngā kōrero mō ō kaiwawao, nō reira ka inoi atu kia kaua e raua mai ina ka tuku mai i tō Tātai Tangata. 

We are the landing place where our people can come to rest upon, a safe space.
A place where excellence and culture are encouraged and ultimately, recognised.

Kia tau ai te mauri tū, te mauri ora ki te katoa. Nau mai, tau mai!  Vitality and well-being for all.  Welcome, settle here!

About the Company:

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (the College) is the professional body and postgraduate educational provider for vocationally qualified specialist General Practitioners (GPs) and Rural Hospital Medicine Practitioners. Their key aim is to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities for all people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Their work is underpinned by kaitiakitanga (service and stewardship), whanaungatanga (collaboration and respect), mana tangata (diversity and inclusion), and auaha (innovation and creativity).

About the Role:

You will provide Māori health and health equity leadership to the College and be responsible for leading a team of advisors who provide expert advice, focus, and leadership on Māori health and health equity to the College. The role has broader responsibility for addressing health inequities including for Pasifika and Rural communities by providing leadership across the College to influence improved health outcomes.

About You:

We’re searching for an experienced senior leader with the following skills and experience -

  • Deep understanding of the issues that face Māori and Pasifika general practitioners and health providers

  • Proficient speaker and writer of te reo Māori

  • Ideally fluent or at a minimum understand, or have basic Pasifika language skills

  • Proven proficiency in Pasifika cultural protocols and can demonstrate safe and culturally appropriate practice.

  • Lived experience of tikanga and knowledge of te āo Māori in the context of Māori health

  • Understanding of the College’s obligations to, and government’s policy on, Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • An understanding of the issues that face Pasifika and Rural general practitioners and health providers

  • Highly developed awareness of the economic, political, social, and cultural context of the College and the health sector

  • Expertise developing and implementing strategy

  • Experience and comfort interacting effectively and confidently with the Board, stakeholders, and senior officials

  • Articulate, able to prepare high quality oral or written papers or submissions

  • Ability to provide positive leadership and effectively manage a small team

This is an important, influential role.

Applications close Sunday, 1 September 2024.

Me tono mai inaīanei | Apply Now!

To find out more, please get in touch with Russell Spratt on 029 446 3770 or Orissa Plimmer on 027 935 9290 for a confidential kōrero.

To apply for this vacancy you MUST be a New Zealand citizen, resident, or have already secured the right to work in New Zealand and therefore hold a valid visa.

At the appropriate stage we will request your references, we ask that you do not include them on your CV when applying.  

We are the landing place where our people can come to rest upon, a safe space. 
A place where excellence and culture are encouraged and ultimately recognised.

Kia tau ai te mauri tū,  te mauri ora ki te katoa. Nau mai, tau mai!  Vitality and well-being for all.  Welcome, settle here! 


Tony Cutting

Hi, I am Tony Cutting of Tony Cutting Digital.

I love writing, taking photos and promoting People and Kiwi businesses.

I coach business people on how to grow their business. I am a strong advocate of networking, collaboration, collective marketing, digital marketing and learning how to write and take great images.

With these skills you can take hobbies you love and build a business that will succeed.


Ranger Community | Palmerston North


Assistant Accountant - Fixed Term (Wellington)